Green fingers
Mike's story
Mike really seemed to enjoy the responsibility of nurturing the plants and often reminded staff to help him to water them.

Mike lives in St George at one of our residential homes for people with learning disabilities. He has always enjoyed seeing flowers growing in gardens in his local community. Last year, he enjoyed some gardening success of his own, growing carrots, tomatoes and sunflowers on his patio.
Mike’s green-fingered journey started with a trip to the local supermarket, where staff helped him to decide which seeds to buy. Back at home, Mike and the staff team worked together to sow the seeds in pots on the kitchen window sill. The seedlings were left to grow there until they were big enough to plant out in the garden.
Mike really seemed to enjoy the responsibility of nurturing the plants and often reminded staff to help him to water them. He could see the sunflowers from his bedroom window and enjoyed looking at their bright yellow petals whilst eating breakfast. He would often bring staff out to the garden to show them how the plants were changing.

It wasn’t long before the carrots and tomatoes were big enough to harvest. Mike and the two other people we support who live with him enjoyed eating the carrots as part of their meals and on one occasion they were added to a delicious cottage pie.
Now that the summer has ended and Mike’s sunflowers are long gone, staff at the home have planted a herb garden for the residents to enjoy. Mike particularly likes smelling the mint and lavender plants.
This year, Mike is planning to grow carrots, tomatoes and potatoes. When asked how growing plants makes him feel, Mike replied “Lovely!”
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